Akai Yubi (2011)
A shocking incident is the start of a tragic chain of events that befall an ordinary family of four: Maehara Akio, his wife Yaeko, their son and Akio’s elderly mother, Masae. Akio is a commonplace company employee but has to carry his family’s tragedy on his shoulders as a psychological battle unfolds between himself and Kaga Kyoichiro. In order to get the Maeharas back to being a genuine family, Kaga disentangles the complex web of family interactions with his keen perception. Just when it is determined that the case has been solved.
Director: Doi Nobuhiro
Also known as: Akai Yubi: Shinzanmono Kaga Kyouichiro Futatabi! Red Finger
Country: Japan
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2011
Genres: Mystery
Starring: Abe Hiroshi, Izumisawa Yuuki, Kuroki Meisa, Mizobata Junpei, Nishida Naomi, Sugimoto Tetta
Akai Yubi (2011) full episodes
Akai Yubi (2011) Episode 1