House of Ninjas (2024)
Set in modern-day Japan, “House of Ninjas,” tells the story of the Tawara family, the last ninja clan. It had abandoned its roots after an incident in the past, but now the family must take on the greatest crisis in Japanese history, one that threatens to shake the nation to its core. (Source : Variety)
Also known as: Shinobi no Ie: House of Ninjas
Country: Japan
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2024
Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller
Starring: Eguchi Yosuke, Kaku Kento, Kimura Tae, Kora Kengo, Makita Aju, Miyamoto Nobuko
House of Ninjas (2024) full episodes
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 8
02/16/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 7
01/16/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 6
01/16/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 5
02/15/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 4
02/15/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 3
02/15/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 2
02/15/24 -
House of Ninjas (2024) Episode 1